This resource is designed to support NFPs, businesses, and social purpose organisations to navigate grants and funding.
▪ Expert advice on grantseeking, grant writing, management and acquittal
▪ Useful links, tips & tricks
▪ Top opportunities for Western Australian businesses and organisations
▪ And more.
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Learn More About Grants >>

Win More Grants By Understanding Your Funder
Having a deep understanding of funder dynamics can make or break a grant application. In this article, we explore why it is crucial for grantseekers to understand funder’s stated and unstated priorities and concerns, so you can appeal to their heads and heart – and how grantseekers can achieve this understanding.

The Key To Winning Grants: Compliant, Competitive Grant Writing
Our most important tip for grant writers and grant-seekers to know is at the heart of every successful grant application. It’s ever-so-simple, yet so often the reason why grant applications fail. Find out why compliance and competitiveness are key to winning grants.

Grant-Readiness: An Ultimate Guide for NFPs and Social Purpose Orgs
NFPs and social-purpose organisations can maximise their grant win rate and minimise their headaches with these expert tips from ProposalPro.

Grant Readiness | Grant Preparation | Grant Writing Services
ProposalPro offers a suite of services for business & NFPs seeking grant funding.