Grant Readiness | Grant Preparation | Grant Writing Services
Secure grant funding for strategic growth.
Developing a winning grant proposal is an art and a science. Grant funding is highly competitive; planning and strategy are essential activities, in addition to developing and communicating a compelling funding case.
Our consultant team are experts in securing funding for commercial businesses, for-purpose organisations and NFPs. We make it as simple as possible for our clients to access funding, helping you to:
- understand what funders are looking for in an application that’s not only eligible, but competitive
- understand whether an opportunity is right for your organisation be grant-ready with the right preparation in place
- submit a compelling grant proposal that gets results
When you’re busy working ‘in’ your organisation, it can be hard to find time to work ‘on’ your organisation – let us handle the grant process, so you can focus on doing your best work.
Our Grant Services include:
- grant readiness and business preparation
- grant writing services
- grant decision-making advice
- grant applications
- grant reviews

Lara Rosenblum-Silbert MBA, CF-APMP – Grants Lead
- MBA (Social Impact), MA (Strategic Communications) – University of Western Australia
- Certified Foundation – Association of Proposal Management Professionals
- Certificate in Professional Fundraising – Fundraising Institute of Australia
Lara Rosenblum-Silbert MBA, CF-APMP – Grants Lead
- MBA (Social Impact), MA (Strategic Communications)
University of Western Australia - Certified Foundation
Association of Proposal Management Professionals - Certificate in Professional Fundraising
Fundraising Institute of Australia
Lara has been with ProposalPro since 2019, and has worked in NFP funding since 2016. She comes to her work with vast professional experience at the intersection of proposal management, grant and tender writing, investment-readiness, social impact, entrepreneurship support, academic research, non-profit leadership, strategic marketing and communications. She has an excellent understanding of the Australian funding ecosystem, and experience in supporting successful business and NFP grant applications.
"Lara is humble, curious and genuinely eager to learn and help. She secured significant Lotterywest funding for my cultural research and consultancy work."
Grant wins
Lara has supported organisations to win grant funding with:

Our Services
Grant Readiness and Business Preparation
Don’t wait until the grant opens – let us help you do your homework! From CVs and MOUs to capability statements, bid libraries and project plans, ProposalPro helps you get ready for grant applications sooner.
Grant Decision-Making Advice
Not every grant you’re eligible for, is the right match for your business or organisation. We extend our free bid/no-bid advice to help you increase your win rate, and make ‘where to play’ decisions that drive success.
Grant Applications
We support your business/organisation to stand out from the pack by communicating its capabilities and experience , building a case for funding that engages and inspires decision makers, and positioning your application as the best choice for a grant opportunity.
Grant Reviews
Completing grant proposals in-house often leads to difficulty at the grant review stage; when your in-house grant writer reviews their own work, they can lack the distance to pick up on mistakes or room for improvement; when the reviewer is a colleague or manager, they may lack knowledge of best-practice grant writing, or assume an external reader has organisational knowledge.
At ProposalPro, we don’t just offer “another pair of eyes”- we have years of experience in supporting organisations to secure grants; we provide an informed, professional external point of view that can help your business or organisation to get over the line.
APMP Certified Consultancy

ProposalPro have been part of the Association for Proposal Management Professionals since our inception in 2008. All our consultant team hold APMP Certification, the international standard for proposal management expertise.
APMP offers the world’s first, best and only industry-recognised certification program for professionals working in a bid and proposal environment. APMP certification is the global standard for developing and demonstrating bid & proposal management competency.
The APMP is at the forefront of international best-practice in proposal management, supporting proposal professionals to maximise the effectiveness of their work and their win rates.
Supporting our clients to win
When you work with our APMP-accredited proposal experts, you can rest assured that your proposals are being prepared by highly committed, experienced and knowledgeable specialists in their field.
Learn more about Grants >>

Win More Grants By Understanding Your Funder
Having a deep understanding of funder dynamics can make or break a grant application. In this article, we explore why it is crucial for grantseekers to understand funder’s stated and unstated priorities and concerns, so you can appeal to their heads and heart – and how grantseekers can achieve this understanding.

The Key To Winning Grants: Compliant, Competitive Grant Writing
Our most important tip for grant writers and grant-seekers to know is at the heart of every successful grant application. It’s ever-so-simple, yet so often the reason why grant applications fail. Find out why compliance and competitiveness are key to winning grants.

A Guide to Grants and Funding – WA
Expert advice about navigating grants and funding for businesses, NFPs and social purpose orgs. Useful links, tips & tricks, top opportunities for Western Australian businesses and organisations, and more.

Grant-Readiness: An Ultimate Guide for NFPs and Social Purpose Orgs
NFPs and social-purpose organisations can maximise their grant win rate and minimise their headaches with these expert tips from ProposalPro.