Some Dos and Don’ts For Tender Forms

You’ve downloaded your tender documents and read through the requirements. Now, it’s time to start filling out your returnable forms, but where do you start? Here are some “Dos and Don’ts” for completing your tender forms:
An evaluator can, sometimes at a glance, tell when the office part-timer has prepared a tender compared to a professional. Thankfully, more businesses than ever are coming to understand the value of engaging the services of a professional tender writer to give the best possible chance of winning work.
Team Communication – Why is it Crucial?

Creating an excellent tender submission can be challenging and complex work. Small businesses especially seek to save money and prepare these submissions themselves. Quite like Uncle Harry deciding to renovate the bathroom during the Christmas break, the results of such a decision can differ significantly.
An evaluator can, sometimes at a glance, tell when the office part-timer has prepared a tender compared to a professional. Thankfully, more businesses than ever are coming to understand the value of engaging the services of a professional tender writer to give the best possible chance of winning work.
How to Project-Manage Your Grant by Tracking Progress and Setting Internal Deadlines

The process of applying for grants often feels like navigating through a maze of tight deadlines, complex requirements, and expectations – all with the risk that one missing document or piece of information can lead to a grant proposal being rejected outright.
Gathering the various information you need to bring together a winning grant application often requires liaising with subject matter experts who have other competing priorities – so how do you balance everything to ensure smooth progress towards your looming deadline?
How Grant Writers Can Demonstrate Capabilities

Winning grant funding isn’t just about a great idea: even the best idea will almost certainly fall flat if the funder isn’t confident in the capabilities of your organisation and its key personnel.
NFPs and social purpose organisations do so much great work, but do you know how to talk about what you do?
The Art of Persuasive Grant Writing

Grant writing is more than just a technical exercise; persuasive storytelling is key. The best grant writers weave a compelling narrative that captivates grant funders, aligns with their objectives, and inspires them to invest in your project or cause. To stand out in a sea of proposals, grant writers must master the art of storytelling. Here’s how you can craft a grant proposal that resonates with grant funders and increases your chances of securing funding.
Your executive summary is the most important part of your bid. But are you getting it right?

Experts agree that executive summaries are the most important part of your bid. They’re the most widely read, and offer you a opportunity to showcase your unique value proposition; convince the tender evaluator(s) to recommend you; and make it easier for them to justify that decision.
And yet, so many executive summaries are haphazardly thrown together at the end of a bidding process.
Here’s how to do better, avoid common preventable mistakes, and write an executive summary that gets results.
Win More Grants By Understanding Your Funder

Having a deep understanding of funder dynamics can make or break a grant application. In this article, we explore why it is crucial for grantseekers to understand funder’s stated and unstated priorities and concerns, so you can appeal to their heads and heart – and how grantseekers can achieve this understanding.
Top 5 Tips for Better Tendering

Tendering (when done well) is a cornerstone of business growth; it’s not something that should be taken lightly. Learn how to reduce tendering headaches with ProposalPro!
The Key To Winning Grants: Compliant, Competitive Grant Writing

Our most important tip for grant writers and grant-seekers to know is at the heart of every successful grant application. It’s ever-so-simple, yet so often the reason why grant applications fail. Find out why compliance and competitiveness are key to winning grants.
To bid or not to bid? Bid Decisionmaking

Not every opportunity is right for your business. Learn about the 3-step process that can be applied to assist with your bid decisionmaking.